Adaptive education

The SWEEZZ mount and adaptive education.

A lot a lot of energy has been put into adaptive education for primary education, where differences between students have been taken into account. With the arrival of interactive whiteboards this effort is threatened to be partly lost.

Click on the tabs to learn more about the SWEEZZ mount.

{tab= Sweezz mounting system}

The adaptive whiteboard, digital board or LCD screen

SWEEZZ allows digital school boards or touchscreens to be "sweezed" toward individual groups for targeted explanation and learning while not distracting the rest of the class. SWEEZZ is also very suitable for giving lessons in combined classes. The longrun electrical height adjustment allows teachers to use the entire board - smaller children can also work on the board. The SWEEZZ's solid, stable construction is extremely flexible to use.

Sweezz logo

Sweezz ophangbeugel Sweezz mount adaptief education adaptive-teaching

Sweezz configurator

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